Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflection on the best decade of my life

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

So tomorrow is 2010. Wow. I remember wondering if the world was going to crumble when 2000 came in. Now we learned that it wasn't the Y2K virus that would do the country in, but rather terrorists, a collasping economy and plenty of people who watched way too many episodes of Cribs and aspired to a life they couldn't afford.

But whatever. The decade came in like a lamb and is roaring out like a lion. For me though, this has been a great decade, all shittiness aside. How you may ask? Let me count the ways:

1. Moved out of my parent's house
2. Graduated from college
3. Covered a slew of news stories and met interesting people, including entertainers and atheletes
4. Fell in love
5. Traveled out of the country to do missions work in third world countries
6. Went on two cruises
7. Played on highly competitive rugby and soccer teams
8. Been published more than 200 times
9. Became a pet parent
10. Learned to play guitar
11. Pitched a movie to a Hollywood executive
12. Met a slew of fabulous friends who became family

And then there's the not so good...

1. Parents seperated
2. Buried a childhood friend
3. Sampled the bitter taste of defeat
4. Lost "friends"
5. Got into two car accidents
6. Had four week-long stays in the hospital
7. Said unkind words
8. Dad lost kidney, now on dialysis
9. Broke hearts
10. Got heart broken
11. Lost a job
12. Moved back into parent's house at the tail end of 2009

Good and bad, I learned a lot about myself and the world around me and I wouldn't trade that for the world. So here's to a roller coaster of a decade. May the next one be more like a monorail.

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